In January, we left the cold here in Utah:
And headed to much warmer California!
Brooke and her kids came from Missouri. Doug, Tricia & Beckham came, Amanda & Sydnee came, Becca & Brian came too! Jeff lives down there, so we were quite a group! We were warmly welcomed by my great parents and wonderful sisters!
First, we hit Knott's Berry Farm with 4 of the grandkids (we came to California in 'waves', so we were only all there at once for a day or two.) It was a perfect day, the kids loved it! Camp Snoopy had lots of rides for our little kids to ride. We ended it by going on "Bigfoot Rapids" and getting soaked to the bone, after going through twice. Stacy didn't get too wet the first go round, but the second time he was drenched! Brooke and I nearly wet our pants laughing when he let go a choice word.

This was followed by a day at Legoland. Another great day, but a little chillier. There were 15 of us (2 big SUV's full) We made quite a group and had a wonderful time together. We chose Legoland for Shaun, who LOVES Legos. We had three babies with us, and at one point they were all napping in their strollers. Thank goodness Heidi came too and helped with the babies and little kids. Heidi was quite a sport, since that morning, before we left on the hour+ long ride to Carlsbad, Shaun threw up all over the kitchen floor. We couldn't bear to leave him, so we all headed out. He actually did fine, but I tell you, I am surprised Heidi didn't suddenly remember an appointment or something when that happened!
We took the "big kids" to the beach one day, we rode the ferry to Balboa Island and then went on down to Corona del Mar, where we climbed on the rocks and then let them get their feet wet in the water. Austin & Shuan ended up in the water to their necks, clothes & all!!! It was a beautiful day at the beach, not too warm, but sunny with no wind. I should have realized they would get all the way in, even though it was January! They had to ride home in their underwear and jackets!
Here is little Sydnee who was just a trooper (and the youngest on the trip), she just had a good time and enjoyed being loved up by everyone.
On Sunday, we took Austin (who was not throwing up), Amanda and Sydnee to our old stomping grounds in Corona and attended church and saw lots of old, dear friends! We had a great time and even stopped at Tommy's, our favorite Chili Hamburger place.
On Monday, we dropped Amanda & Sydnee off at one airport, then loaded up Brooke and her kids to take them to LAX. Since they flew on quite the cheap airline, they were charged even to carry on bags, so Brooke had those babies loaded down like Sherpas!

We then headed back to my fabulous parents' and finished doing a little more straightening up. We had ended up driving, since we generally fly standby, but some flights were canceled, so all the other flights filled up. We had not driven in 3 years! It was actually pretty fun, we stopped at the condo on the way there and back. We drove our big car, and we brought home all sorts of things! Like a new pack & play (Shane & Becca), a couch (Jeremy & Amanda), a car seat, various items our Utah kids couldn't fit in their suitcases, and 5 BOXES of lemons to mention a few items! So, now, here in the cold, we are enjoying fresh squeezed lemonade that tastes like sunshine and reminds us of the wonderful memories we made with our family!! I have had a great, busy month, but now that I'm finally all caught up at work after being gone for so long, I am back to quilting! Brenda