I've been married to Mr. Handsome for coming up on 30 years this spring. He makes me laugh, he takes great care of me and has been a wonderful provider, husband and father, etc., etc. (I could go on). We just got back from a wonderful weekend at our little condo yesterday - we went hiking, shopping, to the movies (RED - I highly recommend it!), eating out, sleeping in (for me) and golfing (for him). I have noticed that a lot of our humorous times revolve around sexual innuendos, sly smirks, and flirty remarks. It is a lot of fun. It's not anything you can share with others, because frankly that is gross, crass, inappropriate, etc. Sometimes friends and I touch (very) lightly on the subject of how much fun it is to be married - nothing too personal, because that would be gross, crass, inappropriate, etc. It is just another thing that binds you to each other - something private and special. I think that many, many married couples really enjoy each other and that aspect of their relationship and I'm glad for all of us! I love being married and highly recommend it to everyone I know. That is not to say that it is easy, always fun or even right for everyone, but I am grateful that it is working out for us. I was 17 when I got married and I am amazed that it has all worked out (work being the operative word here).
P.S. Please don't think we have a 'perfect' marriage (whatever that is) - I couldn't even write this post on certain days of the month, if you know what I mean - but most days it's pretty great!