Saturday, August 14, 2010

Well, Brooke, Ben and two of the babies left this morning at 5:30 a.m. We got to give them all good hugs before they drove away, hoping to make Nebraska by tonight. Mr. Good-looking and myself took off for a nice, long, hike at the same time - it was nice to have something to do besides crawl back into bed to cry. We hiked up around Y Mountain and came out at Rock Canyon. It was a beautiful hike, after we got past the (insert swear word here) Y trail, which is a particular non-favorite hike of mine. Since we left so early, it was cool all the way - actually a little cold in some parts. We hiked through chest high bushes a lot of the way. The trail was pretty clear, but lots of bushes & small trees were growing over it. My legs are pretty scratched up and I worked up two blisters on my heels - I forgot to wear two pairs of socks. It took us about 5 1/2 hours - in this picture, I could barely squat down and get up again - my legs were tired!Here are the two of us - having a good time, as usual:
Well, we're off to pick up Babygirl at the other Grandparent's house and be parents again for a month - fun, fun!