Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Practical Joke

So, the funniest thing happened while we were gone! Our grass had gotten quite long (9 days is a long time to skip mowing). Someone mowed "OBAMA" into the lawn in huge letters!!! Since we are pretty much as republican as they come, and Stacy is quite into politics, he was appalled! He got out the mower immediately and mowed it. Amanda and I had gone to the store, and when we got back, Stacy was gone. I wondered aloud where he could have gone and Amanda quipped "Probably to get some McCain signs for the front lawn"! Hee Hee Hee.
Stacy mowed it, but you can certainly still see it, since it was mown lower than our mower is set on. People were quite chatty about it at church and we could see people stopping by to read it on their way to and from church all morning.
We heard a rumor that it might have been Mitch Macfarlane!!!!