Monday, October 22, 2012

Meandering Along

So I've decided that I'm tired of reciting my email address and phone number, and of course, I like to have people visit my blog, so I got cards made:

It was super easy to order them, with this cute design and I just put my name, phone number, email address and blog address on them.  I showed them to Mr. Handsome and he said - "They don't say what you do, housewife, quilter, chef, lover (he's funny, isn't he?), etc." I told him they are not business cards, just my contact information.  I love them! I am putting them on my luggage, my new Sew EZ table I got at quilt festival and, sure, I am giving them to new people I meet, that might need my information or seem like they would be friends, etc.
I did finish my "Selling Houses" wall hanging, but I don't like where I put it, it looks better from far away, and mashed here in the entry way by the front door, it is too narrow to see it well.

Of course, it helps if it is right side up too - I don't know how my computer, phone and camera all continue to outsmart me!!!!!!
Here is a before picture of a particularly messy part of my quilt studio:

Unfortunately, it still pretty much looks like that, but hopefully progress will be made SOON!  I'll keep you posted - that's a pun, by the way...