Sunday, January 5, 2014

The New Year (Again)

     Well, all of our wonderful Christmas Company has gone home and it is quiet once more around these parts.  I had a wonderful surprise for Christmas from Mr. Handsome, he arranged for Brooke and Ben and their kids to come all the way from Missouri for the holidays! I was super surprised (and I realized what a bunch of liars I associate with!)!! They did a fabulous job, keeping the secret, I couldn't believe my eyes, when they all started trouping up the stairs, from where they were hiding in the basement. I was sooooo happy!
With Jeff and Vanessa here from California, our entire family was here for Christmas - what a wonderful blessing!  Here we all are on Christmas morning, as you can tell from our general lack of make up and my sweet new Christmas jammies! Shaun was mid-sneeze, but we are all in the picture. (You can also see our "real" tree behind us, very scrawny, but loved. The tree above is my MIL's)
Here is Izzy in her new Christmas jammies, and Shane & Brian in their new Christmas sweaters:
Here is Sweet Natalie in her much beloved Christmas rainbow wig, which unfortunately was lost while flying Grandpa's new remote control helicopter at the church. (It was good while it lasted!)
Everyone has gotten home safely, but unfortunately after everyone left, I got a cold AND a kidney stone! Blerk! Cold is getting better and the kidney stone is bearable for the most part - life goes on!  Working on a fun quilt for my niece, MC's much prayed for new baby coming next month. 
I don't do New Year's Resolutions, but one of my favorite things about the new year is a pretty blank calendar and plenty of time for QUILTING! (Especially since I'm not putting in longer hours at work with 1099's and tax-type stuff - yay for me!)