Saturday, May 16, 2009

BINGO Fun...

"The Hall", ready for action!

We had a great time at the BINGO party last night! We had a pretty good sized crowd, even though Amanda and Jeremy were party poopers and Brooke had her baby two weeks early, so she and Ben didn't attend either! We had some great prizes; Stacy and I will be watching BOTH seasons 1 AND 2 of Miami Vice, now that we are the proud owners of the DVDs - woohoo!
Here is Shane, the speed caller - "no repeats, pay attention!"

Concentrating on the numbers...Nate and MC, always so cute...Becca was the big winner - 5 prizes! Mitch and Meredith didn't win anything, but Megan went home with a CASE of peanut butter Twix, and I'm sure she'll share a couple with poor Mitch! And - I got all of the smarties swept up this morning after "the smartie war".